Battalion Advance!

One of the interesting aspects of Spearhead is, for me, the planning aspects required by the rules. This is especially the case when undertaking an attack on enemy positions. Firstly, the terrain must be considered and how this impacts routes of advance and what delays the terrain will introduce. Further, what are the likely enemy positions and in what strength is he expected? What resources are available for the attack and what can be achieved with these forces and in time available?


Then the attack must be committed to paper with due thought to reserves, support elements and artillery fire plans. Only then can the models be placed on the table.

Getting to grips with these factors can be hard, especially for the new player. As a result some years ago I developed a small scenario which provided those new to Spearhead many of these factors wrapped up in a smaller scenario. The result was the scenario Battalion Advance! which is set in Normandy during 1944. With the relaunch of this site I have updated the scenario. The scenario can be downloaded here.

4 thoughts on “Battalion Advance!

  1. Played Battalions Advance today in 6mm and it was a good quick scenario, that was enjoyed by both players. At first it seemed the British would overwhelm the Germans but the latter were hard to kill when dug in. In the end one of the British battalions took 50% casualties and failed its morale roll which ended the game. The Germans has lost 7 of their 16 stands at that point. Thanks for the suggestion to try this scenario.

      1. Regarding the stream in the scenario is it considered impassible? Rule 5.8 suggest that unless a ford is shown the stream can’t be crossed, was that the intent?

      2. The intent was the streams can be crossed anywhere, with the standard movement penalty. Sorry for any confusion caused.

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